Bina Nayak
As a Water Research Project Manager at Pinellas County utilities, I volunteer the county for participation in research projects with government organizations, engineering firms and academia. Currently, I am working with the CDC Waterborne Disease Prevention Branch on a Water Research Foundation funded project studying the effects of low pressure in drinking water distribution systems on public health. I am also working with the CDC Pneumonia Response & Surveillance Laboratory using metagenomics analysis to determine changes in microbial community structure in cooling tower water samples and specifically looking at Legionella spp.
I assist the county water and wastewater treatment plants on internal projects such as corrosion control, cyanide management and uv effectiveness for wastewater treatment. I am interested in following the fate of antibiotic resistant bacteria during the wastewater treatment process from raw influent to reuse and discharge into receiving water. I participate on two Project Advisory Committees for the WateReuse Foundation: a white paper on novel methods to monitor pathogens for potable reuse and a study involved in identification and development of a marker specific to reuse water.
As Vice-Chair of the Contaminants Committee of the Florida Section of AWWA, I organize monthly webinars on water quality issues/research and arranging workshops for conferences. In addition, I volunteer on the FSAWWA Youth Education Committee as a speaker educating elementary and middle school students about “One Water” and high school students on career opportunities in Utilities.