Lab Personnel

I like to describe myself as an accidental scientist. My first degree is in French, and if I'd followed my original calling, I might be a linguist. After graduation, convinced that I did not want to work as a border guard, I went back for a biology degree so I could go to vet school. Dr. Vladimir Munk, a Czech ex-patriot, showed me the beauty and power of the microbial world. I was hooked. I also thank Mary Hood, Andy. Gordon , Frank Robb, and Hal Schreier for their mentorship.

I am co-advised by Dr. Jody Harwood and Dr. Jason Rohr, who specialize in water quality and disease ecology, respectively. In the Harwood lab, my main project was focused on identifying sources of fecal contamination at a conservation management site. I also work with Schistosoma mansoni, a freshwater parasite that causes human schistosomiasis. In my spare time, I enjoy cooking, eating food, traveling, reading, hiking, and doing other various outdoor activities in the Tampa Bay region.

I am the lab manager in the Harwood lab.

I like to describe myself as an accidental scientist. My first degree is in French, and if I'd followed my original calling, I might be a linguist. After graduation, convinced that I did not want to work as a border guard, I went back for a biology degree so I could go to vet school. Dr. Vladimir Munk, a Czech ex-patriot, showed me the beauty and power of the microbial world. I was hooked. I also thank Mary Hood, Andy. Gordon , Frank Robb, and Hal Schreier for their mentorship.