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Zach Staley
Zach is a postdoc in the Civil Engineering Department at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The major focus of his research is to mitigate the proliferation of antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic resistance genes (ARG) in cattle manure. One major project, conducted at the USDA Meat Animal Research Center, focuses on manure storage, comparing the efficacy of manure stockpiling v. composting to reduce ARB and ARG. This project will also include a metagenomics and transcriptomics aspect to better understand the bacterial community and activity during composting and manure storage. Further, this project will also have a land application component to evaluate the transfer of ARB and ARG when manure is land applied to soil. Another major project focuses on the use of thermal conductive concrete. The purpose of this project is to use the concrete to heat stockpiled manure to temperatures that would be comparable to those expected in compost piles, though without the need for bulking agents or turning to retain the heat normally generated by microbial activity.

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