Beaches are a valuable resource. In many tropical countries, in addition to the ecological importance of beaches, tourism to these beaches generates the majority of revenue for local communities. Water quality is an extensively researched topic. Sand quality however, is not as researched an area. There are no regulatory guidelines or standard methods for FIOs in sand and many gaps remain to be filled to understand the impact of pollution and pathogens in sand. My research will evaluate the risk from exposure to sand at sewage-impacted beaches by proposing a standard method for extracting DNA from sand, analyze the spatial variability of FIB and MST markers in sand, and calculate the risk from exposure to sewage impacted sand at a tropical beach.
Zhang, Q., Gallard-Gongora, J.F., Baolei, W., Harwood, V.J., Sadowsky, M.J., Hamilton, K.A., Ahmed, W. Synergy between Quantitative Microbial Source Tracking (qMST) and Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA): A Review and Prospectus. Environment international. May 2019.
Ahmed, W., Lobos, A., Senkbeil, J., Peraud, J., Gallard-Gongora, J. Harwood, V.J. Evaluation of the novel crAssphage marker for sewage pollution tracking in storm drain outfalls in Tampa, Florida. Water Research, Volume 131 (142-150) March 2018.
Gallard-Gongora, J., McGowan, K., Jones, J., Aslan, A. Coliphage as an indicator of the quality of beach water to protect the health of swimmers in coastal Georgia. Journal of the Georgia Public Health Association, Volume 7, No.1 December 2017.
Rodriguez, J. Chelland-Campbell, C. Gallard-Gongora, J. What common food additives can cause acute, non-allergic symptoms? Help Desk Answer from Evidence Based Practice Vol. 13 No.2 October 2010.
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Gallard-Gongora, J.F., Lobos, A., Harwood, V.J. 2019. The Most Efficient and Reproducible Method of Extracting DNA from Sand. UNC Water Microbiology Conference. Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA.
Gallard-Gongora, J.F., A. Gonzalez-Fernandez, D. Mora-Alvarado, P. Rivera-Navarro, J. Lukasik, B. Mull, J. Peraud, E.M. Symonds, G. Ulmer, M. Brown, M. Breitbart, M. Cairns, and V.J. Harwood. 2018. Fecal Indicator and Pathogen Analysis to Inform an Interdisciplinary Study of Water Quality and Human Health Risk in Costa Rica. Water Microbiology Conference. Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA.
McGowan-Munck, K.*, Gallard-Gongora, J.F.,Anderson, K.W., Aslan, A. (2016). Occurrence of Sulfamethoxazole and Ciprofloxacin Resistance in Recreational Beach Water Affected by a Wastewater Treatment Plant. American Society for Microbiology 102th Southeastern Branch Meeting, 11-12 November, 2016, Florence, AL, USA.
Gallard-Gongora, J.F., McGowan-Munck, K.*, Chapman, A.*, Jones, J., Aslan, A. (2016) Fecal Indicator Viruses and Beach Monitoring in Coastal Georgia. American Society for Microbiology 102th Souteastern Branch Meeting, 11-12 November, 2016, Florence, AL, USA. Awarded first place for best oral presentation at conference.
Aslan, A., Beslin, C., Poole, A. Anderson, K., Gallard-Gongora, J., McGowan, K., Ofuri-Gyawu, K., Ampofo-Yeboah, A. , (2016). Microbiological Assessment of Sachet Water in Ghana, West Africa. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 65th Annual Meeting, November 13-17, 2016, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Gallard-Gongora, J., McGowan, K., Poole, A., Anderson, K., Jones, J., Aslan, A. Bacteriophage as an Alternative Indicator for Microbiological Pollution at Marine Beaches. (April 16, 2016). Georgia Southern University Research Symposium. Paper 46.