Currently, my research project is focusing on antibiotic resistant ESKAPE pathogens in reclaimed water treatment trains for a project I was hired onto as a lab technician. I will be working on this project through my first year as a doctoral student while I determine the direction I would like to take my research for my own project. I am very fascinated in antibiotic resistant pathogens in the environment and the genes that are associated with their resistance.
My past research experiences include working as an undergraduate in Dr. Loren Sackett’s lab researching malaria prevalence in Hawaiian honeycreepers, working as a field technician collecting samples of tissue, blood, and fleas from prairie dogs, and interning at NIH NIAID researching vector competence.
Outside of the lab, I enjoy traveling, hiking, camping, kayaking, painting, and bingeing shows on Netflix.
1. Scott, KM., Leonard, JM., Boden, R., Chaput, D., Dennison, C., Haller, E., Harmer, TL., Anderson, A., Arnold, T., Budenstein, S., Brown, R., Brand, J., Byers, J., Calarco, J., Campbell, T., Carter, E., Chase, M., Cole, M., Dwyer, D., Grasham, J., Hanni, C., Hazle, A., Johnson, C., Johnson, R., Kirby, B., Lewis, K., Neumann, B., Nguyen, T., Nino Charari, J., Morakinyo, O., Olsson, B., Roundtree, S., Skjerve, E., Ubaldini, A., Whittaker, R. (2019). Diversity in CO2-Concentrating Mechanisms among Chemolithoautotrophs from the Genera Hydrogenovibrio, Thiomicrorhabdus, and Thiomicrospira, Ubiquitous in Sulfidic Habitats Worldwide. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 85, e02096-18.
2019. Calarco, J., Peraud, J., Keenum, I., Majeed, H., Garner, E.D., Pruden, A., Harwood, V.J. ESKAPE Pathogens in Reclaimed Water Treatment Train and Distribution System. Poster Presentation. UNC Water Microbiology Conference. May 14-16, 2019. Chapel Hill, NC.
2018. Calarco, J., Bland, D., Hinnebusch, J. Role of Host Blood Source in Flea-Borne Transmission of Yersinia pestis. Oral Presentation. NIH Summer Research Symposium. August 16, 2018. Hamilton, MT.
2018. Calarco, J., Sackett, L. Malaria Prevalence in Hawaiian Honeycreepers at Various Elevations on the Hawaiian Islands. Poster Presentation. USF Undergraduate Research Conference. April 19, 2018. Tampa, FL.